
David Petraeus

David Petraeus
Vol. 29
01 Nov, 2024

David Petraeus is a retired U.S. Army general, former head of the CIA and current partner at KKR, an American investment firm that operates around the world and has inspired the creators of the Hollywood blockbuster Wall Street. With a combination of experience and the ability to clearly understand world events, Petraeus is an authority on the implications and risks of world politics facing globally connected investment and business.

Interview in English

Interview with English subtitles at

David Petraeus
Partner / KKR / & Former CIA Director 

General David H. Petraeus (US Army, Ret.) (New York) is a Partner at KKR and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute, which he established in May 2013. He is also a member of the boards of directors of Optiv and OneStream, a Strategic Advisor for Sempra and Advanced Navigation, a personal venture investor, an academic, and the co-author (with British historian Andrew Roberts) of the New York Times best selling book "Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine."

Prior to joining KKR, General Petraeus served over 37 years in the U.S. military, culminating his career with six consecutive commands as a general officer, five of which were in combat, including command of the Surge in Iraq, command of U.S. Central Command, and command of coalition forces in Afghanistan. Following retirement from the military and after Senate confirmation by a vote of 94-0, he served as Director of the CIA during a period of significant achievements in the global war on terror, the establishment of important Agency digital initiatives, and substantial investments in the Agency’s most important asset, its human capital. General Petraeus graduated with distinction from the U.S. Military Academy and is the only person in Army history to be the top graduate of both the demanding U.S. Army Ranger School and the U.S. Army’s year-long Command and General Staff College. He also earned a Ph.D. in international relations and economics from Princeton University. General Petraeus taught both subjects at the U.S. Military Academy in the mid-1980s, he was a Visiting Professor of Public Policy at the Honors College of the City University of New York from 2013 through 2016, and he was for 6 years a Judge Widney Professor at the University of Southern California and a Senior Fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center.

He is currently the Kissinger Fellow at Yale University’s Jackson School, Co-Chairman of the Global Advisory Council of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Senior Vice President of the Royal United Services Institute, and a Member of the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Aspen Strategy Group, as well as a member of the boards of the Atlantic Council, the Institute for the Study of War, and over a dozen veterans service organizations. He is also a LinkedIn Top Voice. Over the past 20 years, General Petraeus was named one of America’s 25 Best Leaders by U.S. News and World Report, a runner-up for Time magazine’s Person of the Year, the Daily Telegraph man of the year, twice a Time 100 selectee, Princeton University’s Madison Medalist, and one of Foreign Policy magazine’s top 100 public intellectuals in three different years. General Petraeus has earned numerous awards and decorations, including four Defense Distinguished Service Medals, the Bronze Star Medal for Valor, two NATO Meritorious Service Medals, the Combat Action Badge, the Ranger Tab, and Master Parachutist and Air Assault Badges. He has also been decorated by 14 foreign countries and he is believed to be the only person who, while in uniform, threw out the first pitch of a World Series game and did the coin toss for a Super Bowl.

PFI Talks


PFI Talks Vol. 26 – Božidar

"Central European financial groups are increasingly active in investing in markets previously dominated by their Western competitors, but they are also venturing into developed Western markets," says Božidar Djelić, Managing Director of Lazard Investment Bank, where he also heads the CEE region. He discusses the appetite for expansion of these capital-intensive groups and their position in M&A in the next podcast in the PFI Talks series.


PFI Talks Vol. 5 – Jan

Jan Švejnar je ekonom, který působí na Kolumbijské univerzitě v New Yorku jako profesor globální ekonomie a ředitel Centra pro globální hospodářskou politiku (Center for Global Economic Governance – CGEG). Je spoluzakladatelem Centra pro ekonomický výzkum a doktorské studium Univerzity Karlovy (CERGE), které se později stalo součástí CERGE-EI, společného pracoviště Univerzity Karlovy a Národohospodářského ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. (EI), kde předsedá Výkonnému a dozorčímu výboru.

Robert Doucha

PFI Talks Vol. 10 – Robert Doucha

Český fond Green Horizon Renewables (GHR) ze skupiny BHM Group jednoho z nejbohatších Čechů Tomáše Krska tento týden oznámil uzavření obchodu s největším správcem aktiv na světě – společností BlackRock. Předmětem transakce je portfolio dostavených i připravovaných elektráren ve Finsku o celkovém výkonu 220 megawattů. BlackRock akvizice vyjde na celkem 7,1 miliardy korun. Miliardu a půl zaplatí akcionářům včetně fondu GHR, dalších 5,6 miliardy pak investuje do dostavby připravovaných zdrojů, kterou pro něj GHR prostřednictvím společnosti Winda Energy ve Finsku zajistí.

Stanislav Kubáček

PFI Talks Vol. 11 – Stanislav Kubáček

Zatímco v České republice žije téměř 80 procent lidí ve vlastním bytě či domě, v Rakousku či Německu si téměř polovina populace bydlení pronajímá. Ve velkých městech jako Berlín či Vídeň bydlí v nájmu dokonce více než tři čtvrtiny obyvatel. „Česko naopak prošlo v 90. letech obrovským šokem, co se vlastnění majetku a užívání služeb týče, proto je zde moderní nájemní bydlení stále ještě svým způsobem novinkou,“ popisuje Stanislav Kubáček, ředitel akvizičního týmu švédské společnosti Heimstaden.

Daniel Kahneman

PFI Talks Vol. 13 – Daniel Kahneman

As reports and polls from Russia show, a large part of the public there refuses to admit that Russia, not Ukraine, is the origin of the biggest armed conflict in Europe since World War II. According to Daniel Kahneman, such a reaction is understandable not only in terms of the effectiveness of current Russian propaganda. "The reluctance to see one's country as the culprit of aggression, of crime, is very strong in most of us," says Professor Kahneman

Sumit Agarwal

PFI Talks Vol. 15 – Sumit Agarwal

When a speculative bubble bursts, many people usually lose. But history is littered with investment manias in which the suffering of individuals ultimately outweighed the benefits for all. In the 19th century, thousands of speculators burned their hands investing in the shares of American railway companies. But their losses enabled all Americans to switch from horse-drawn carriages to trains. The bursting of the internet bubble at the beginning of the 21st century left many empty family bank accounts, but also a network of data cables that allowed the digital economy to really take off within two decades. What may emerge from the ashes of the cryptocurrency mania is one of the topics Sumit Agarwal discusses.

Marc Faber

PFI Talks Vol. 16 – Marc Faber

Marc Faber, a Swiss investor living in Thailand, doesn't mince his words. In 2017, he dedicated an issue of his monthly investment newsletter, The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, to the raging racial conflicts in the US. At the time, he said, "Thank God America is populated by whites and not blacks. Otherwise, the United States would look like Zimbabwe, which may happen one day, but America has enjoyed at least 200 years of economic and political prominence." He later defended himself, telling the US television network CNBC in his defence that he was not a racist, but that "the facts should be described as they are, regardless of their degree of political incorrectness". This is also why Marc Faber said goodbye after an hour-long interview, saying: "I believe it is still politically appropriate to say - Merry Christmas!"

Maroš Kravec

PFI Talks Vol. 22 – Maroš Kravec

V anglosaském systému funguje byznys postavený na financování soudních sporů už více než 40 let. Pomáhat poškozeným domoci se spravedlnosti a zároveň díky tomu zhodnocovat peníze se ale postupně učí také investoři v kontinentální Evropě. Mezi nejvýraznější z nich patří i česká společnost LitFin, která se aktuálně podílí na 25 kauzách. Dohromady v nich jde až o dvě miliardy eur. Zakladatel a řídící partner LitFin Maroš Kravec přitom v rozhovoru říká, že by brzy mohlo jít až o desetinásobek – lidé či firmy se totiž nyní kvůli délce a komplikovanosti soudních sporů často o svoje nároky nehlásí, nebo o nich dokonce ani nevědí.

Michal Kuděj

PFI Talks Vol. 23 – Michal Kuděj

České firmy se dokážou celkem dobře adaptovat na vnější makroekonomické podmínky, říká Michal Kuděj, zakládající partner skupiny Tarpan Partners, která se zabývá poradenstvím při restrukturalizacích, insolvencích a akvizicích. Tím, že jde často o vlastnicky řízené a rodinné firmy, jež jejich majitelé chtějí časem předat generaci svých dětí, mají vyšší averzi k riziku a bývají opatrnější. I proto se Česko v posledních třech mimořádně náročných letech vyhnulo vlně bankrotů, před kterou řada ekonomů varovala po vypuknutí pandemie covid-19.

Mojmír Hampl

PFI Talks Vol. 24 – Mojmír Hampl

Nebýt mimořádně vysoké inflace, přijetí eura by v České republice mezi lidmi nyní nebylo vůbec tématem, myslí si předseda Národní rozpočtové rady Mojmír Hampl. V rozhovoru ze řekl, že pokud budou Češi se svojí měnovou a fiskální historií někdy přijímat společnou evropskou měnu, budou k tomu dotlačeni. Spíše než ostatní státy unie ale bude případný tlak na přijetí eura vyvíjet vlastní špatná hospodářská politika.


PFI Talks Vol. 18 – Dan

The story of the German financial company Wirecard sounds like the subject of a film. A company with the aura of a European tech giant challenging its American rivals collapsed in 2020, with its path to ruin punctuated by falsified accounts, empty mailboxes in the Philippines and the founder’s escape. The story of the fraud, which many have long refused to believe, has been gradually unravelled since 2014 by Dan McCrum, a journalist at the Financial Times. Last year he published a book, Money Men, and made a documentary based on his reporting. He described the ins and outs of the case during an interview on another PFI Talks podcast.


Leoš Rousek

Leoš Rousek

Leos works as Head of Group Communications at PPF Group, focusing on investor relations in the financial sector. His previous experience included investor communications at Home Credit International and MONETA Money Bank. Before 2015, he used to work for more than two decades as a business journalist for Dow Jones Newswires and the Wall Street Journal, reporting from the Czech Republic, Russia, Slovenia, and Slovakia. From 2017 to 2019, he was the chief economic analyst at the Czech business daily Hospodářské noviny.

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