Privacy Policy

This document provides information about the personal data collected within the Prague Finance Institute, z.s. how such data are treated, which sources they are acquired from, which purposes they are used for, who they are provided to, where to acquire information about the personal data processing, and what measures are undertaken to secure the personal data.

Personal data and the time of their processing

  • We process the personal data in compliance with legislation regulating the area of personal data protection, i.e. with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. We keep evidence of processed personal data and we are the data controllers for this data.
  • We collect personal data and process them for certain, explicitly stated mandatory purposes, when such provision of our services is bound to the processing of personal data or to the consent of a natural person, while such processing may be refused or withdrawn at any time.
  • We collect identification personal data, allowing the identification of a natural person, contact personal data for communication, and any other specifying information related to the provided services and activities of the Prague Finance Institute, z.s. Contact data shall mean in particular the specified address, phone number, e-mail address and any other specifying information.
  • Information about the processed personal data is specified in the provided consent or information about the processed personal data.
  • We process the personal data for the period of time set by legal rules in case of legal processing, for the time defined in a form of justified interest or for the time of validity of provided consent. When the period of time for processing expires, we eliminate them by deletion and destruction.

Acquisition of personal data

  • From you on the basis of contract, demand, order or any other legal purpose;
  • During negotiations of our workers in relation to closing a deal or service provision and during their subsequent execution;
  • From other personal data controllers with your consent to hand over personal data;
  • From publicly available sources, registries, lists and evidences with demonstrable origin of the personal data.

Purposes of personal data processing

  • We process personal data in connection with provided services and to secure all activities required for their performance;
  • For our internal needs, for the protection of our rights and rightfully protected interests, for the evaluation of business activity, for the improvement of quality of services provided by us and for enhancing customer satisfaction ;
  • For other purposes, e.g. to extend the portfolio of products and services provided; for the purpose of information about new services; to extend services offered to our customers in cooperation with our partners.

Protection of personal data

  • In the Prague Finance Institute, z.s., the processing of personal data is under permanent control of physical and technical security. During processing, we use security control and technical mechanisms ensuring the protection of processed data at the highest level possible against unauthorized access or transfer, loss, destruction and any other possible misuse;
  • All persons working with personal data within the performance of their occupational or contractual obligations are bound to confidentiality, set by legislation or the contractual relationship, while such confidentiality shall last even after the termination of their occupational or contractual relationship with us.

Provision of personal data

  • When providing services, we provide personal data to external recipients in the following categories: business partners, marketing companies, transporters and other companies securing the provision of professional services for us or conducting business or any other contractual activity;
  • We provide personal data to our contractual partners with your consent on the basis of a contract with respective provisions on personal data processing; we always require ensuring of personal data from the security and protection point of view with regard to the rights of the data subjects;
  • To other subjects, following such an order from the data subject or with his consent;
  • To the subjects of public authority and state authorities when meeting mandatory obligations.

Personal data processing on the basis of consent

  • In the event of processing on the basis of communicated consent you will always be able to decide freely if you provide your consent within the extent proposed by us or if you limit it or refuse to provide it. We are bound by the extent of provided consent;
  • You may withdraw the provided consent at any time; contacts for the withdrawal of consent are specified on the website
  • In the event of refusal to provide consent or in the event of withdrawal of already provided consent, we will stop processing the personal data in the shortest period possible, determined by the technical and organisation possibilities;
  • Consent of processing of personal data may be granted repeatedly at any time.

Execution of the right to access personal data

  • All contact data, procedures on how to apply the right to access and to submit an application are specified on our website
  • On the basis of your request, we provide information about the recorded and processed personal data about you kept by us.
  • You may contact our Data Protection Officer in the Prague Finance Institute, z.s..
  • We will also immediately prepare and provide you information to secure the protection of your rights in the agreed and requested manner.

Correction of kept personal data

  • For the right provision of our service, it’s necessary to have the right and accurate personal data. It’s important to inform us about any change in personal data. In the event of notification about the change, we’ll perform correction in our records without delay. If we find that the personal data are not true or actual during the processing by our own activity, we will request you to perform correction and if we don’t receive any confirmation, we’ll delete the data.

Lodging a complaint, withdrawal of consent and any other requirements

  • You have the possibility to lodge potential complaints against the processing of your personal data, to withdraw provided consent, to request a change in the extension of consent, to lodge a question or request on personal data protection at any time.
  • With your complaint or suggestion, you may turn directly to the Office for Personal Data Protection.

Contacts for the receipt of requests regarding personal data protection

  • You may turn to us with your request for access, correction, deletion, limitation of processing, transferability of data, or your complaint or question in the following ways:
    - by e-mail to
    - in writing, to our address
    - by data box 7gzayth
  • Contacts can be found on our website

Education on the principles of personal data processing

  • During the meetings, promotions or offers of our products and services, our employees and cooperating companies actively familiarize data subjects with the principles of personal data protection.

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