
Our institute prides itself on hosting a diverse array of events that bridge the gap (nebo narrow the distance) between the academic and the dynamic world of business. At the core of our mission is the belief that fostering dialogue and collaboration between industry professionals and academics is essential for staying at the forefront of financial innovation and excellence.

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At the Prague Finance Institute, we offer anyone with an interest in corporate finance and valuation who already has some knowledge of the field a unique opportunity to expand their education and knowledge, learn about it from leading experts and on top of that to meet an interesting network. This masterclass is conducted annually during the winter term, comprising 11 lectures in English, and is led by experienced professionals who draw upon real-world company cases to provide comprehensive insights and practical learning experiences.

Ukrajina a investice do energetické budoucnosti

Zveme Vás na další zajímavou panelovou diskusi pořádánou Prague Finance Institute ve spolupráci s Ukraine Recovery Fund, která pokryje téma poválečné obnovy Ukrajiny s fokusem na energetiku, bezpečnost a ekonomiku.

Akci bude moderovat  Martin Ehl (Hospodářské noviny)

Konference se zaměří na aktuální stav na Ukrajině, problémy v oblasti energetiky či bezpečnosti, ale i na poválečný rozvoj a s tím spojené příležitosti pro české firmy a investory.

Akce se uskuteční ve středu 20. listopadu v Paláci Ara v 18:00 (příchod možný od 17:30)

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